Standard Operating Procedures

SOP Collection: This page collects SOPs from organometallic labs around the world. Whether you are planning a procedure for the first time, or want to review best practices for a procedure you’ve done many times, this site offers a starting point for your research. The SOP Collection contains the latest procedures, in a table that can be organized by name, laboratory, or type of procedure. The table is also searchable. Interested in submitting a SOP? See below for more details.

SOP Submission: Have a procedure that is not currently available? Is your procedure different from one that is already posted? Submission of new SOPs will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please use the submission form to send your SOP. To ensure consistency across the SOPs available on this site, please use the SOP template if possible. Otherwise, upload a PDF of your submission along with the information requested on the submission form.


  • Choose your title carefully. It should be concise, but descriptive, with the most important word first. Look at the SOP Collection to see if there are related SOPs that might inform your choice of title. Your title can include a generic header followed by a more detailed description (e.g. Glovebox: Antechamber use)
  • Remove any information that could identify laboratory researchers. Each SOP should be a submission from a lab group as a whole, not an individual.
  • Remove any lab-specific information such as account numbers or addresses/room numbers.

Submission form

Download submission template


SOP Topic Request: Interested in a procedure that is not represented here? If you are an expert, please consider submitting your own SOP using the form above. If not, you can use this form to request a new SOP. If our network of laboratories has expertise in this topic area, we will generate a SOP.



Disclaimer: Information presented on this website is for general information purposes only and is collected, maintained, and provided for the convenience of the reader. The content of this website and that of linked websites do not necessarily represent the policy or views of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (“University”). The University shall not be liable for and will be held harmless against damages of any kind arising from or related to use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within this website or websites linked to herein.

All information is presented “as is” and without any warranties, either express or implied.  While reasonable efforts are made to keep the information on this website current and accurate, laboratory safety practices change frequently and the information may not be up-to-date. None of the website content should be taken as a prescription or as formal safety advice and there is no substitute for appropriate laboratory safety training and in-person training. This website contains standard operating procedures (“SOP”). Each SOP was originally written with a specific lab setting in mind, with the intent to be carried out only by professionally trained research scientists. All laboratory use and research carries inherent risk and you should perform a careful risk assessment and independent analysis of each SOP before using it.